There is a $125 per hour rental fee for each additional hour over the set hours included in the package rental.
- 4 Hour Rental
- Select Up To 4 Modes
(Photo, Boomerang, Video, GIF)
- All 6 Filters Included
- Email / Text Sharing
- Custom Lighting
- Custom Overlay
- Custom Screen
- Backdrop
- Props
- Unlimited Photos
- 3 Hour Rental
- Select Up To 2 Modes
(Photo, Boomerang, Video, GIF)
- 1-2 Filter Options
- Email / Text Sharing
- Custom Lighting
- Custom Overlay
- Custom Screen
- Backdrop
- Props
- Unlimited Photos
- 2 Hour Rental
- Select One Mode
(Photo, Boomerang, Video, GIF)
- Email / Text Sharing
-Unlimited Photos
There is a $125 per hour rental fee for each additional hour over the set hours included in the package rental
- 4 Hour Rental
- Email / Text Sharing
- Custom Overlay
- Custom Screen
- Backdrop
- Props
- Unlimited Photos
- 3 Hour Rental
- Email / Text Sharing
- Custom Overlay
- Custom Screen
- Backdrop
- Props
- Unlimited Photos
- 2 Hour Rental
- Email / Text Sharing
-Unlimited Photos